History of The Masters Mission

I was on a mission trip to Moldova when I met a translator from Ukraine named Larisha.  Larisha kept saying to me, “Darrell, life is much harder in Ukraine.  Please come help us.”  God planted those words in my heart and mind.  It seemed day and night that God was calling me to begin a work in Ukraine.  Well, I spent the next eighteen months looking for information on Ukraine.  I read everything I could find on Ukraine, and I called many of those people whom I came across in my search.  Finally I decided to go to Kharkov, Ukraine.  However, I was asked to go to the Zhitomir Region instead because the need was much greater in that region.  So it was in March of 1995 that God led me on my first mission trip to Ukraine under the ministry of The Master’s Mission.

How did I come up with the name “The Master’s Mission?”   It came about the night I preached my first sermon.  My grandfather Barnhill was in the congregation, and as he was leaving the church he said to me  “Son, keep your eye on the Master.”  He always called Jesus, the Master.  I have never received better advice from anyone.  Shortly after that first sermon, my grandfather passed away, but the name for The Master’s Mission came from him.  He belonged to Jesus, the Master, and this ministry belongs to Jesus, The Master!

As I look back over the last ten years, I am humbled and grateful because of all that God has done through this ministry.  I am also saddened when I think about Larisha, who was killed in a car accident a few years ago along with her husband and son.  Her memory lives on through The Master’s Mission because God used her in issuing a call to me to begin the work in Ukraine.  For her role in this ministry I am truly grateful, and I know that God has special blessings for her in eternity.

In addition to using The Master’s Mission in Ukraine, God is using TMM in Cuba, Tibet and South Carolina to make a difference for His Kingdom’s sake.  For all that God has done, is doing, and will continue to do through The Master’s Mission, we give HIM PRAISE!